Monday, August 13, 2012

Love those bricks

I have fallen in love all over again with LEGO. I've got them all over the house, here at the office, even on my keychain. I was a huge geek for them as a kid, but as tends to happen I drifted away from them for a long time. Recently, though, three factors have converged to bring my back into the fold:

  1. LEGO video games - Probably the main reason for my personal LEGO renaissance is the almost decade-long run of high quality licensed games featuring LEGO versions of Star Wars, Batman, Harry Potter, and other pop culture icons. They've ranged from fairly enjoyable to tons of fun and have actually gotten more impressive in the last year or so. I have two of the titles in rotation right now, and I'm very excited about the upcoming LEGO Lord of the Rings game.
  2. A local LEGO store - There's something almost intoxicating about being surrounded by every conceivable size and shape of LEGO set in one location, much more than just walking down a single aisle at a toy store. And yes, I got my LEGO VIP card the first time we visited the store. Don't judge me.
  3. My daughter - As my daughter gets older, I continue to look for ways that we can connect. And as a geek, it delights me that she enjoys Avatar: The Last Airbender, Tron Legacy, and Young Justice... and now LEGO as well. We've built several kits together, and even if she'd definitely put a Monster High doll on her Xmas list before an Avengers LEGO set, she still loves to play the games with me (both the video games and now the board games, which we've just tried and love).
So, yes, I'm almost forty years old, and I've got a LEGO Tie Fighter sitting on my dresser at home. I've got a bunch of clone troopers on the shelf behind me at work. And if I won the lottery tomorrow, you can bet your ass that $400 Death Star kit would be mine.

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